Love, Lies, & the Polish bars
Oh faithful readers, Gather around the keg! It is time for another bar hopping adventure, courtesy of Michigan’s finest dives. Yet be cautious as this tale is not our normal fare and ‘tis not for the faint of heart. This is a tale of Shakespearean proportions. It has Lust, Deceit, Betrayal, and Unrequited Love!
Be prepared!
Our tale begins the 4th of July weekend in 2005. Our son and a couple of his friends came to the big city to experience the atmosphere of bar hopping in an area with a population greater than 1000. The group consisted of Chaz, Donna, Chris, Eric (son), Cricket (daughter), Mike (friend of son), and another that I can’t remember his name. We will go with George. I like the name George. We begin the normal circuit and all is well. As the night winds down, we end up at the Polish bars and our tragedy begins….
We push a couple of tables together and have seat. The bartender weaves her way over. Now, when I say weave, it’s not because there is a lot of people she has to make her way through. It’s because she is having some difficulty remembering that walking requires one foot placed in front of the other. She finally makes it to the table and we get a good look at her. She was wearing a simple dress, but had that sultry – I am on a prowl look. She appeared to be her early 50’s. Oh, she was also trashed. I am surprised that she could speak coherently.
In all fairness, she wasn’t bad looking, it just apparent that she thought she was hotter than she actually was. Anyways, she gets us a pitcher and we sit around talking, mainly about how the bartender is able to walk and how long that will last. After about 10 minutes, she comes back and slams a container on the table. It’s filled with a pinkish liquid, sort of like Pepto Bismol. She goes back to the counter. We look at each other and shrug as we don’t know what is going on. She then brings over a tray of shot glasses and the race is on. Will she make it to table before spilling it, or will she drop everything while crossing the 4 feet of floor? She makes it to the table before spilling the tray. Since she was in the process of trying to put it on the table, it’s just noisy, but nothing is broken.
As we help pick up the shot glasses, the bartender declares “I like you all, these shots are on the house” and begins pouring shots. She goes to hand one to me, but as DD I graciously decline. I also ask her what it is. She states, “Its good, just drink it and I will tell you what is later.” She then goes to hand a shot to Cricket. Now, Cricket is 18 and doesn’t drink. So, she handed it to Donna to drink. The bartender raises her shot glass and toasts “To friends”. At least that’s what I think she says as she is slurring her words a lot. Everyone drinks it down and then it happens..
The bartender notices Mike. They make eye contact and the sparks fly. Yes, the bartender has found her man for the night. It didn’t matter to her that he is 30+ yrs younger. The span of years didn’t matter to him as he had found his woman. Lust was in the air and the night was made for them. Now Mike is a gallant young man, who understands that his maiden was slightly impaired from the alcohol, so even though the yearning is strong, he refuses to take advantage of her. It was an honor watching Mike’s resolve. I don’t know how he withstood her feminine assault as she was determined to have him before the evening was over. Oh, he was tempted, yet how would he be able to respect himself and her, if he gave in. You could see the conflict on Mikes face. He was torn between chivalry and love. One of the lovers had to maintain control and he resolved it was to be him.
For the next hour, she tried to get Mike to succumb to her. First it was subtle, a grazing of his hand by hers, standing beside him so that her leg pressed against him, pouring his beer for him, but not pouring for anyone else. As Mike’s iron will rebuffed her attempts, she became more obvious in her desire. She stared longingly into his eyes and licked her lips. Mike looked away and shifted in his chair as his discomfort grew and his resolved weakened. The bartender became bolder. She stood next to Mike, slowly rubbing her body against his in time to the music of love that only they could hear. Mike’s will began to crumble.

Sensing his weakness, she poured another shot. She grabbed his head, tilted it back, and poured into his mouth, gently rubbing the rim of the shot glass across his lips. The table was silent as we expected this was the final assault and Mike would cave in to his primal desires. Yet again, we underestimated Mike’s determination to keep this love pure and untainted by carnal desires. He just looked in her eyes and said a simple thank you.
Alas, it wrenched my heart and my compassion for Mike swelled to new levels. I could no longer stand his pain, so I gathered our companions and prepared to leave. As I was paying the tab, the bartenders lip was quivering as she realized her love was leaving and her eyes began to moisten. I glanced at Mike and he was woodenly staring straight ahead, not daring to make eye contact. Because if he did, it would cause his remaining will power to evaporate. Being a true friend and understanding the desire that possessed them both, I made an offer I shouldn’t have. I told Mike that if he wished, I would come back in the morning and pick him. This way they could at least have the night together.
This offer rocked his world. He could have his desire. For a moment his will weakened. Mike was tempted. He stood silently for a moment, clenching his fists, trying to make the right choice. His body shook with conflicting emotions and then with a deep sigh he made his decision. Without looking back, he walked out the door, knowing that they would probably never see each other again. As we went back to our house, Mike was very quit, knowing his life had been changed forever.
But wait you say, what about deceit? What about the betrayal? Patience, gentle readers! This is just the first act. The second act will contain all that and more….
Be prepared!
Our tale begins the 4th of July weekend in 2005. Our son and a couple of his friends came to the big city to experience the atmosphere of bar hopping in an area with a population greater than 1000. The group consisted of Chaz, Donna, Chris, Eric (son), Cricket (daughter), Mike (friend of son), and another that I can’t remember his name. We will go with George. I like the name George. We begin the normal circuit and all is well. As the night winds down, we end up at the Polish bars and our tragedy begins….
We push a couple of tables together and have seat. The bartender weaves her way over. Now, when I say weave, it’s not because there is a lot of people she has to make her way through. It’s because she is having some difficulty remembering that walking requires one foot placed in front of the other. She finally makes it to the table and we get a good look at her. She was wearing a simple dress, but had that sultry – I am on a prowl look. She appeared to be her early 50’s. Oh, she was also trashed. I am surprised that she could speak coherently.
In all fairness, she wasn’t bad looking, it just apparent that she thought she was hotter than she actually was. Anyways, she gets us a pitcher and we sit around talking, mainly about how the bartender is able to walk and how long that will last. After about 10 minutes, she comes back and slams a container on the table. It’s filled with a pinkish liquid, sort of like Pepto Bismol. She goes back to the counter. We look at each other and shrug as we don’t know what is going on. She then brings over a tray of shot glasses and the race is on. Will she make it to table before spilling it, or will she drop everything while crossing the 4 feet of floor? She makes it to the table before spilling the tray. Since she was in the process of trying to put it on the table, it’s just noisy, but nothing is broken.
As we help pick up the shot glasses, the bartender declares “I like you all, these shots are on the house” and begins pouring shots. She goes to hand one to me, but as DD I graciously decline. I also ask her what it is. She states, “Its good, just drink it and I will tell you what is later.” She then goes to hand a shot to Cricket. Now, Cricket is 18 and doesn’t drink. So, she handed it to Donna to drink. The bartender raises her shot glass and toasts “To friends”. At least that’s what I think she says as she is slurring her words a lot. Everyone drinks it down and then it happens..
The bartender notices Mike. They make eye contact and the sparks fly. Yes, the bartender has found her man for the night. It didn’t matter to her that he is 30+ yrs younger. The span of years didn’t matter to him as he had found his woman. Lust was in the air and the night was made for them. Now Mike is a gallant young man, who understands that his maiden was slightly impaired from the alcohol, so even though the yearning is strong, he refuses to take advantage of her. It was an honor watching Mike’s resolve. I don’t know how he withstood her feminine assault as she was determined to have him before the evening was over. Oh, he was tempted, yet how would he be able to respect himself and her, if he gave in. You could see the conflict on Mikes face. He was torn between chivalry and love. One of the lovers had to maintain control and he resolved it was to be him.
For the next hour, she tried to get Mike to succumb to her. First it was subtle, a grazing of his hand by hers, standing beside him so that her leg pressed against him, pouring his beer for him, but not pouring for anyone else. As Mike’s iron will rebuffed her attempts, she became more obvious in her desire. She stared longingly into his eyes and licked her lips. Mike looked away and shifted in his chair as his discomfort grew and his resolved weakened. The bartender became bolder. She stood next to Mike, slowly rubbing her body against his in time to the music of love that only they could hear. Mike’s will began to crumble.

Sensing his weakness, she poured another shot. She grabbed his head, tilted it back, and poured into his mouth, gently rubbing the rim of the shot glass across his lips. The table was silent as we expected this was the final assault and Mike would cave in to his primal desires. Yet again, we underestimated Mike’s determination to keep this love pure and untainted by carnal desires. He just looked in her eyes and said a simple thank you.
Alas, it wrenched my heart and my compassion for Mike swelled to new levels. I could no longer stand his pain, so I gathered our companions and prepared to leave. As I was paying the tab, the bartenders lip was quivering as she realized her love was leaving and her eyes began to moisten. I glanced at Mike and he was woodenly staring straight ahead, not daring to make eye contact. Because if he did, it would cause his remaining will power to evaporate. Being a true friend and understanding the desire that possessed them both, I made an offer I shouldn’t have. I told Mike that if he wished, I would come back in the morning and pick him. This way they could at least have the night together.
This offer rocked his world. He could have his desire. For a moment his will weakened. Mike was tempted. He stood silently for a moment, clenching his fists, trying to make the right choice. His body shook with conflicting emotions and then with a deep sigh he made his decision. Without looking back, he walked out the door, knowing that they would probably never see each other again. As we went back to our house, Mike was very quit, knowing his life had been changed forever.
But wait you say, what about deceit? What about the betrayal? Patience, gentle readers! This is just the first act. The second act will contain all that and more….
I couldn't have explained that night any better. Thanks guys
Your resolve, Mike, will live in infamy. We are all humbled!
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