Love, Lies, & the Polish Bars - Part II
Act II – The Betrayal!
Time passes and our two estranged lovers are still apart, but only physically. Friends close to Mike notice how he occasionally gets a far way look. At these times, they say the longing and sadness in his eyes and they know he is remembering his denied love and wondering “what if”….
As for his Lady Marilyn, she is missing. Her absence is very noticeable the few times we stop in for a draught. We assume it is because she is too wrought with anguish to carry on with her job. {Of course, it could be rehab also} Finally in late December of 2005, she reappears and Mike’s pure love is smashed on the jagged rocks of broken dreams. While it pains me to write this, I feel it will be a therapy of sorts, if not for Mike, then for me. While I was only a witness, no one can witness a tragedy of such proportions without emotional scars. Also it might serve as a warning to all young lovers about the danger of separation and unrequited love.
We began the evening exploring downtown Detroit. It was Donna, Brooke (she of the table dancing fame), and myself. We started around 1 p.m. and were joined by Chris around 8 p.m. We went to four or so bars around Woodward Ave. It was a warm evening, so walking was good. As the night wore on, it became time to start the trek home. Of course this was to be via the Polish Bars. We arrived; took a spot at the bar; and “she” was there, serving drafts. As she delivers our drinks, I notice that her gaze is lingering on Chris, but I chalk it up to her trying to remember him.

After a few moments of staring at Chris from the other end of the bar, she walks back down to our end. Looking Chris directly in the eyes, she licks her lips and says “Youse want a shot..on the house? It’s a good shot.” Donna & I looked at each in shock. We were speechless, but our thoughts were the same – She is hitting on Chris. Mike’s true love was attempting to seduce another. Well, we take the shots as we didn’t want to break an 11th commandment. You know the one that free alcohol is good alcohol. Chris starts playing Joe Cool. He looks at her and rattles off the various liquors that were in the shot. He ended with a quick smile and soft “I used to be a bartender.” She was very impressed and her interest in Chris increases tenfold. You could almost see her desire on her face. It made me sick to see her move so quickly from her true love to another man.
She reached over and placed her hand on Chris’s. She said, “I’ve got a special shot for you!” You could almost hear the “big boy” at the end of that sentence. While she is pouring Chris his “shot”, I decided I could not take this any more. My morality had been pushed as far as it could go. I called Mike. He sounded groggy as if I had awoken him. Since it was about 1 a.m., it was very possible I had, so I let him collect his thoughts. I explained where I was and being diplomatic I asked if he would like to speak to his lady. My plan was that sound of his voice would stop her and remind her of all she was giving up. It was a hope, at least.
Alas, Mike did not want to speak to her. I could tell he didn’t want to open wounds that were just starting to close. Yet, I didn’t want him to go away without know the full story, without knowing about her deception with Chris. If he knew, then he would either fight for her love, or be able to close that chapter of his life. As she was pouring the shot down Chris throat, standing there with her hand on his shoulder, it was so reminiscent of the previous 4th of July. I did one of the hardest things I had to do in my life. I told Mike in exact detail what was going on. How she was trying to seduce Chris. How she appeared to be unfaithful. It has hard. I could hear his breath catching as he listened. I thought he was going to cry. I asked if he wanted to talk to her and try to win her back. Like the true and honorable gentleman he is, he declined stating that it was over. The quiver in his voice was truly heart wrenching. I could stand no more, so I said my farewells and let him go to contemplate the rest of his life…the rest of his life with out his true love.
I hope it was the right thing. Interfering as I had could lead to potential disaster, yet, I feel it allowed closure for Mike. At least that is what I tell myself.
Time passes and our two estranged lovers are still apart, but only physically. Friends close to Mike notice how he occasionally gets a far way look. At these times, they say the longing and sadness in his eyes and they know he is remembering his denied love and wondering “what if”….
As for his Lady Marilyn, she is missing. Her absence is very noticeable the few times we stop in for a draught. We assume it is because she is too wrought with anguish to carry on with her job. {Of course, it could be rehab also} Finally in late December of 2005, she reappears and Mike’s pure love is smashed on the jagged rocks of broken dreams. While it pains me to write this, I feel it will be a therapy of sorts, if not for Mike, then for me. While I was only a witness, no one can witness a tragedy of such proportions without emotional scars. Also it might serve as a warning to all young lovers about the danger of separation and unrequited love.
We began the evening exploring downtown Detroit. It was Donna, Brooke (she of the table dancing fame), and myself. We started around 1 p.m. and were joined by Chris around 8 p.m. We went to four or so bars around Woodward Ave. It was a warm evening, so walking was good. As the night wore on, it became time to start the trek home. Of course this was to be via the Polish Bars. We arrived; took a spot at the bar; and “she” was there, serving drafts. As she delivers our drinks, I notice that her gaze is lingering on Chris, but I chalk it up to her trying to remember him.

After a few moments of staring at Chris from the other end of the bar, she walks back down to our end. Looking Chris directly in the eyes, she licks her lips and says “Youse want a shot..on the house? It’s a good shot.” Donna & I looked at each in shock. We were speechless, but our thoughts were the same – She is hitting on Chris. Mike’s true love was attempting to seduce another. Well, we take the shots as we didn’t want to break an 11th commandment. You know the one that free alcohol is good alcohol. Chris starts playing Joe Cool. He looks at her and rattles off the various liquors that were in the shot. He ended with a quick smile and soft “I used to be a bartender.” She was very impressed and her interest in Chris increases tenfold. You could almost see her desire on her face. It made me sick to see her move so quickly from her true love to another man.
She reached over and placed her hand on Chris’s. She said, “I’ve got a special shot for you!” You could almost hear the “big boy” at the end of that sentence. While she is pouring Chris his “shot”, I decided I could not take this any more. My morality had been pushed as far as it could go. I called Mike. He sounded groggy as if I had awoken him. Since it was about 1 a.m., it was very possible I had, so I let him collect his thoughts. I explained where I was and being diplomatic I asked if he would like to speak to his lady. My plan was that sound of his voice would stop her and remind her of all she was giving up. It was a hope, at least.
Alas, Mike did not want to speak to her. I could tell he didn’t want to open wounds that were just starting to close. Yet, I didn’t want him to go away without know the full story, without knowing about her deception with Chris. If he knew, then he would either fight for her love, or be able to close that chapter of his life. As she was pouring the shot down Chris throat, standing there with her hand on his shoulder, it was so reminiscent of the previous 4th of July. I did one of the hardest things I had to do in my life. I told Mike in exact detail what was going on. How she was trying to seduce Chris. How she appeared to be unfaithful. It has hard. I could hear his breath catching as he listened. I thought he was going to cry. I asked if he wanted to talk to her and try to win her back. Like the true and honorable gentleman he is, he declined stating that it was over. The quiver in his voice was truly heart wrenching. I could stand no more, so I said my farewells and let him go to contemplate the rest of his life…the rest of his life with out his true love.
I hope it was the right thing. Interfering as I had could lead to potential disaster, yet, I feel it allowed closure for Mike. At least that is what I tell myself.
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